29th May 2009 - Alhamdulillah, after one year relationship with my gf - kitorang telah dinikahkan kt Prima saujana. I'm officially married lah hehe. Nikah, around 4pm - Tok kadi pon jenis yg cool, byk melawak gaks aa. Satu lafaz jer, alhamdulillah. Kawan2 rapat pon ader - Mr.FBI, Amy Aida n Erlina. Da schedule was - Friday (nikah), Sat (reception perempuan), Sunday (reception lelaki) lah. I had 2admit dat, those 3days - merupakan most hectic days in my life lah. Ader gambar2 from my nikah lah...
Kawen nih - a big milestone in my life lah. After 29 years idop, ditemukan jodoh dgn my wife, Rafiza Ibrahim. Kawen comes with a lot responsibilities lah, at the same time, there are a lot of things yg kena belajar once dah kawen nih. To my sayang (dulu mambang, naik pangkat jadi tunang, then skang my wife lah hehe) - I Love u soo much !!!!! =)
Congrats on the wedding! The pics are lovely!
Sorry cannot be at the reception... jauh maaa.
anyway.. welcome to the club!
assalamualaikum..hahaha..mcm prof izi ali plakss..
anyway bro..tahniah la..dah jadi laki org ko nih...aritu datang pun tak sempatla nk lepak lame2..ko pun tgh bz that day...gile ensem... :)
so..aku doakan bahagia ke akhir hayat..plus cepat2 ramaikan umat...hahaha
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