I've heard of Menara Tinjau before lah. Tp xpenah pegi pon. So last Friday, mambang brought me up there. We had dinner there. Waa the view from there was spectacular. U can see the whole KL from up there. Plus ader kedai2 makan kt situ, so it's a good place to have romantic dinner sambil menikmati pemandangan indah lah hehe. Oh yer, da Menara tinjau (Obervatory Deck) was also open for public time mlm2, diorang pasang lampu sumer lah..So lepas dinner, kitorang panjat lah observatory deck tuh...Pergh, da view was spectacular bai !!!!!
Guys - dis Menara Tinjau is one of da best place nk bawak awek2 korang pegi lepak lah =)
Next weekend, ader Technip Sports Day, Amy plaks bertunang..pastuh ingat nk pegi tgk Aleem Bone's Newborn baby boy...Sibuk2... =)
Oh yer, gua ingat mengucapkan sekalong2 TAHNIAh/ Congrats kepada: -
- Aleem Bone n Kyun Bone - Baru dapat baby boy on Saturday, 09/ 08/ 2008
- Asyrul n Dila - Baru dapat Baby Gurl on 07/08/ 2008
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