Yes, i bought my FIRST stompbox !!! Nope, it's not metal zone, DS-1, super chorus, or Delay..Tp gua angkat dis Blues Driver. Nih bukan typical Boss Blues Driver bai..tp dis want is Keeley Blues Driver. Da diff between typical Boss Blues driver dgn Keeley punyer nih - dis company called Keeley Electronics (Kt USA), did some modifications to the stompbox lah. Dis dude, his name is Robert Keeley, kerje mamat nih just modify stompboxes/ pedals lah. Mcm dudes yg kerje kt Analog Man gaks aa. Kire yg gua beli nih lebih kurang mcm custom made/ boutique stompbox lah. Ade additional switch, called da "Phat Switch" - so bile lu ON switch tuh, ade dis bass lebih sket kalau lu org main kt 5th and 6th strings lah.
Tone dier mmg bluesy abis lah. Gua ader problem sket lah before dis kalau nk main blues gune Fender Jap Strat gua tuh- sbb gua rase mcm kering lah, eventhough dah letak kt neck pickups. Dgn adanye Keeley's Blues Driver nih, so gua dah dpt itu basah bluesy tone lah. Letak gain lebih pkul 12, pergh giler layan ah !!!
Gua xpenah ader pon stompbox before dis. Sebelom2 nih, gua pakai all those digital pedals lah. Da first pedal yg gua ader was Zoom 707 (dah rosak dah pon hehe), and recently i bought POD XT live lah. Not 2say dat gua dah xsuker my digital pedals, digital pedals stil best bai..kalau lu nk all those bunyi pelik2, or nk main ganas2..or dgn POD XT Live, korang bleh download tone gitaris2 hebat kt dlm pedal tuh - Giler technology ah...
Erm gua rase kan..gua nk start try dis analog stompboxes/ pedals lah. Standard lah, benda2 nih mcm transition period in life - Dulu pakai motor, skang pakai keta..Dulu belajar, skang dah kerje..Dulu layan Metallica/Nirvana, skang dgr Led Zeppelin/ Eric Clapton/ Jimi Hendrix/ John Mayer...Dulu nk main muzik ganas2, skang main muzik2 blues/ slow rock...Dulu not dat particular pasal guitar tone, skang nih - nk be a better guitar player, n nk start belajar jadi telinga anjing sket hahaha !!!! =P
Oh yer, bought da Keeley Blues Driver fr Imran, for 350Rat. Mamat tuh nk beli pedal pelik2 lah tuh, sure nk carik pedal yg gune Germanium Transistor lah tuh =P
Note: Telinga Anjing is defined as gitaris2 yg amat particular tentang guitar tone dier. Yep, kekadang when it comes to jammin session - diorang wil allocate 30minutes, just to carik guitar tone yg dier suke hehe...
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