Singapore Trip- DAy 2!!!

- We started off early, day 2 - kitorang plan nk jadi tourist !!!! hahaha
- After breakfast kt hotel, we went to Vivo HArbour Front naik Double decker bus. First time nih, naik double decker bus hehe
- Arrived at Vivo harbour front city, pegi beli tiket nk masuk Sentosa Island..
- Naik cable car fr HArbour Front city to Sentosa Island..giler gayat siott
- Kitorang pegi UNderwater world, gua pegang ikan yu yg kecik2 dier punye large aquarium, best siott - ader jaws n dugong..
- Lunch @siloso beach. Zahir wanted to see his long-lost mat saleh friend. Siloso beach best siott, best for "Beach Sightseeing" hehe =P
- Da 3 young guys also pegi tgk da pink dolphin show @da dolphin lagoon hehe =P
- We also naik dat 3-D ride hahaha..menjerit mcm budak2...
- Lepak2 minum kt Sentosa tuh, tgk view fr top of da hills, lawa aaa...
- Oh yer, kitorang nk sgt pegi Animal Night Safari...Da thing was, sumer org xtau kt mane Animal Nite safari nih. Tanye Prabin, he told us - just take a cab jer lah..
- Guess what, animal nite safari is located @woodland punyer side. Gilo jauh...So kitorang fr da most south point of the island, to the most north side lah...KAlau tau, baik balik johor terus hahaha !!!
- Animal Nite safari giler best !!! Kitorang sempat tgk last show for da day, "Creatured of the night" ader la Hyienna, Owls sumer..Pastuh naik tram, lalu kt dlm tuh...dah ler xder pagar, ader singa, hyienna, african elephant tuh..sebelah2 jer..I was worried gaks aa, mane la tau binatang2 tuh tetiba naik minyak, xpsal2 jer kena "NGAP" !!!!!
- Puas hati dgn Animal nite safari, da way they made tempat tuh la..mcm kt Afrika siott..
- Abis animal nite safari dah midnite...lepas tuh balik Hotel. 3 of us slept like babies dat nite..Giler penat !!! tp puas hati !!!! =)
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