Yep, i went to My Chemical Romance recently. Erm xdapat pegi tgk Tompi and Malique n Da Essential @KL Live n Loud 2007, pun xper la. Kiter tgk band emo/gothic main lagi best. It was held @stadium Merdeka on da 9th Dec 2007. Went there with Min - last time i brought her to Muse concert, nie MCR ler plak. Hafez, wife and his adik ipar were also there. Hehe..funny sbb Hafez xpernah tgk konsert, time dier bujang dulu - selalu la gua ajak dier pegi tgk konsert, xnak ikut ler plak. Nie dah ader bini sumer, baru nak pegi tgk konsert - it's ok bai, bawak bini pegi konsert xper, jgn bwk perempuan lain sudah hehe. Anyway, i came a bit late la, so missed out to watch One Buck Short and Pop Shuvit in action. xper, local band jer - bleh jer tgk biler2 hehe. SHarp @8.30pm - MCR kuar !!! Surprisingly diorang main hebat sehh!! Gua penah la tgk kt dlm MTV some of their awards performance, sayur jer singer dier. Concert nie layan ler plak, suara dier ok, xpecah ler plak. Kudos to the singer (whom i didn't know name dier saper hehe) - lagu2 diorang nie, memanjang jerit jer bai. The band itself pun best, ader one part, da lead guitarist played some guitar solo, siap goreng blues n country lagi tue..pas abis solo guitar, terus masuk lagu Teenager.
Jap, lagu2 yg diorang yg gua tau - Helena, Ghost Of You, Teenagers, Welcome to da Black Parade, I don't Love You and Famous Last Words. Yg lain xtau hehe. xper - yg penting diorang main lagu2 yg gua tau..
It was raining siott malam tue, ingatkan beli tiket murah ader la tempat berteduh. Been to Stadium Merdeka b4, as i remembered dulu, kalau beli tiket ader tempat duduk, ader la shelter fr hujan. Nie lupe la plak, since we're celebrating our 50th independence, they renovated da stadium mcm tahun 1957 bai !!! so tahun 1957, stadium Merdeka mane ader bumbung!!! Abis basah gua!! Nasib baik ler organizer kasi baju hujan plastik tue..Dis was my first time pegi konsert - BASAH hahahaha
It was a good experience la. Sound system pun best, no complaint about da sound system la.
Next saturday, last concert for the year 2007 - Dewa 19 Live @Stadium MErdeka. So see u guys @da stadium k ;-)
p/s - Gua baru dpt info, SANTANA will be performin @Singapore Indoor Stadium on the 18th February 2008. Tahun depan gua mau pegi Singapore tgk konsert SANTANA !!!!
OMG..am gonna miss Dewa19 concert! Sedeynyerr! Joe..please try to grab a spot in front of the stage..betul2 dpn Once & Ahmad Dhani..pastu tangkap pic derang close up k..then tell them Azza kem salam..huhu..
Errr, i beli tiket murah ler. i'll be watchin Dewa 19 fr Far jer la. So xleh la nak ambik gambar Ahmad Dhani n Once hehe =P
hehe, dah kawin br la aku bole p konsert, dulu time bujang gua kene jg kesolehan diri! skg da kawin bole la p dgn bini, tjage la sket from usha awek2 yg takyah nak carik pon, die dah ade kat situ, so btambah2 la solehnye! wakakaka
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