Thursday, April 12, 2007

FuLL Of JiT - Actors Studio Bangsar !!!

Yesterday, gua pegi tengok stand-up comedy "Full Of Jit" @Actors studio Bangsar. Went there with Amy, Elly and Lokman. This was one of our monthly theater & dinner outing.

Before da theater/stand up comedy - kitorang had dinner @da Hot Chocolate Cafe in Bukit Damansara. One of my friend mase belajar dulu penah tunjuk tempat nie, tp yesterday baru had da chance to dine there. The dishes byk berkenaan dgn Cekelat la. Tempat nie - italian restaurant la... After dinner sumer, kitorang pegi BSC. The stand-up comedy was hillarious la. Jit Murad was funny as hell. I've seen him performin in Goldrain and Hailstone before, mmg best. This time around-he tried to do a "one man show" plak. Hebat sehh mamat nie. Yesterday, I think he offended almost everyone in Malaysia kot hehe. From the government, civil servants, our malaysian culture, education system, the authorities..Semua org kena la hehe...

Tapi to think of it la kan, lawak2 mcm nie la bagi kesan sket beb...Lawak
2 slapstick tue (Contoh terdekat-Raja Lawak Astro tue), bosan la..xder benda yg bleh dijadikan tauladan. Jit's way of telling jokes, conveyed messages at da same time. So dat kiter semua aware of what's happening in our daily life - xder la kiter dok jadi Katak bawah tempurung jer, or "Coco Froggism" - quoted from Jit's performance la nie Lagi satu, i always like dis Jit's way of describing things. During his performance, got one slot where he told his childhood stories. Da way he described things...things like his old house, furnitures, his childhood friends was really good la. Da words he used, mmg puitis, best dan boleh diimaginasikan la ....

Weekend nie ader 2 teater free, satu kt Istana Buday
a ..satu kt Panggung DBKL. Erm nak pegi yg mane satu eih?

Note: Kena tunggu bulan MAy nie, jadi ker tidak Istana BUdaya nak buat Konsert "ROCKESTRA" nie?..Kalau jadi, gua nak pegi Rockin kt Istana la beb !!!!!

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