After work, terus ambk Mr.Asyrul. Last time pegi Genting dgn Aleem n Kyun, time tue malam, so xnampak aper sangat aa. Best gak layan Lap mase naik bukit tue hehe =P I was reluctant @first nak bwk keta mama yg agak lame tue, tapi itu jer option ader...Alhamdulillah xder problem aa..
By 7pm dah sampai, kabus tebal la..xnampak aper sangat, sangat sejuk sehh !!! Check in kt hotel sumer, siap2 pastue pegi Arena All Stars. Frankly speaking la, sejak 26tahun hidup di muka bumi nie, gua xpernah bermalam kt Genting pun..All dis indoor theme park, outdoor park xpernah pegi pun. Arena All Stars ? Lagi la xpernah..My memory of Genting was dis Antique Car, yg jalan pusing2 Tasik beb u guys bleh imagine, sudah berape lame gua xpegi Genting beb !!!
Tiket best, so dekat giler dgn stage. Mmg clear aa beb !!! hehe..Suara diorang mmg best - one of da best RnB band nie beb !!!. Song list - "A Song for mama, End Of the Road, I'll make love to you" etc. Sorry aa, sbb gua sendiri xbuat sangat homework beb..Ramai fans, especially da gurls excited giler biler diorang kasi bunga tgh2 konsert.
Oh yer, dis is my FIRST TIME goin to a RnB Concert. New experience la =P
Later dat night, kitorang melepak2 kt Starbucks, till 3 am in da morning. Cakap kuar asap tue beb - Giler sejuk menggigil ah !!!
Pastue balik hotel, tido...Ari nie balik KL =)
Oh yer - i just want to say my THANKS to Mr.A - For the FREE TICKETS !!! and to Ms.F - For the free ACCOMMODATION !!! Tiket n Hotel Free beb !!!! Saper xnak pegi camtue..betul x? hehe =P

Next Event - MUSE WORLD TOUR 2007 - Gua dah beli TIKET !!!!
2 comments: on da hall of fame! woohoo...
Oh my god !!! Da Hottie read my blog dowh !! hehe =P
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