Went to Cochine, Asian Heritage Row to celebrate Amy's Birthday. As u all know, we have dis Birthday Dinner Treaty - where, once a year, during Birthday masing2, each participant is entitle to have a fancy dinner, at a Fancy Restaurant in KL. The treaty also includes some budget la kan, kalau x, giler melampau la kan. So xbleh exceed da budget la. Ari tue mase my birthday, diorang belanje kt Chillis and i dpt satu ticket theater free. Then mase Elly's Birthday plak - we had Berbuka Puasa @Shangri-La Hotel. Then for Amy nie plak - she requested nak dinner kt Cochine, Asian Heritage Row. Seriously, tempat tue lawa - and yg best da food was nice !!! Speciality Cochine - nasik berlauk, masakan Cambodia, Vietnamese la. kitorang mentekedarah mcm org giler hari tue. We had 2 appetizers, Nasi putih, 5 lauk, 3 desserts and 2 mocktails hahaha. Yes, licin tue bai!!! So next year plak la..kena start pikir nie, kt mane plak nak suruh diorang belanje mkn nie hehehe =P
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Last Birthday Treat of 2007...
Went to Cochine, Asian Heritage Row to celebrate Amy's Birthday. As u all know, we have dis Birthday Dinner Treaty - where, once a year, during Birthday masing2, each participant is entitle to have a fancy dinner, at a Fancy Restaurant in KL. The treaty also includes some budget la kan, kalau x, giler melampau la kan. So xbleh exceed da budget la. Ari tue mase my birthday, diorang belanje kt Chillis and i dpt satu ticket theater free. Then mase Elly's Birthday plak - we had Berbuka Puasa @Shangri-La Hotel. Then for Amy nie plak - she requested nak dinner kt Cochine, Asian Heritage Row. Seriously, tempat tue lawa - and yg best da food was nice !!! Speciality Cochine - nasik berlauk, masakan Cambodia, Vietnamese la. kitorang mentekedarah mcm org giler hari tue. We had 2 appetizers, Nasi putih, 5 lauk, 3 desserts and 2 mocktails hahaha. Yes, licin tue bai!!! So next year plak la..kena start pikir nie, kt mane plak nak suruh diorang belanje mkn nie hehehe =P
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
CArlos Santana tue bai !!!!!!
| 11:20 PM (3 hours ago) |
below is the ticket confirmation... we're going to Santana!
ticket cost SGD92.00 each... you guys can pay me in SGD when we get there if you want... senang skit... nak bayar skang pun buleh, gua tak kisah...
Alritey then... so Joe, hang jadi event organizer a.k.a ketua rombongan cik kiah, hang tlg tgk2 apa kita buleh buat kat sana, sentosa island ke, nite safari ke... i will try to look for accomodation for us and i can get you guys around to sweelee and peninsular plaza for some guitar whoring (p/s - Another term for Looking for guitars/ Musical instruments) HAHAHA!!
Nnti aku update on place for stay and how much.... till then...... be good!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: SISTIC.com Customer Service <cso@sistic.com.sg>
Date: Dec 24, 2007 11:13 PM
Subject: SISTIC Booking Confirmation
Thank you for purchasing your tickets with SISTIC.com Pte Ltd. The details
of your internet purchase are listed below.
Should there be any discrepancy ,please alert us at (65) 6348 5555
or email feedback@sistic.com.sg no later than 12noon the following day.
We regret to inform you that any discrepancy reported thereafter cannot be rectified.
Thank you for booking through SISTIC Online.
Date:Mon, 24 Dec 2007 11:13 PM
We would like to inform you that your order is confirmed and
payment has already been debited from your account for the following event:
SANTANA live in Singapore
Singapore Indoor Stadium
Mon, 18 Feb 2008 08:00 PM
3 tickets(s) at $90.00 plus Service Fee of $2.00 per ticket
Total Cost: $276.00
Seat(s) offered :
Section:B34 Rows:36 Seats:1,2,3
Delivery : Collection from Authorised Agents : S$0.20
Yes, it's confirmed !!!! Next year i'm going to Singapore, 2watch Carlos Santana in action !!!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Mengakhiri 2007 - Konsert DEWA19 LIve @STadium Negara

Last concert of 2007 - Dewa 19 Live @Stadium Negara. Went to da concert with Mr.Firdaus. Konsert start lambat ler, 9.30pm baru nak start. Gua dah terpacak kt dlm stadium tue fr 8.30pm lagi. Kalau tau start lambat, baik pegi dinner dulu. Lapo betul. This time around, da stage was built round-shaped. So sumer org bleh tgk Dewa la. We got da left side seats, tapi sound system kureng la. But my sister pun pegi gaks, she got da right side seats, dier cakap, sound system best la plak. Erm ader la terkurang, terlebih tue. Anyway, as usual - Dewa's showmanship mmg best, main tight abis. They played lagu2 fr their new album, lagu "Dewi"..other than that, diorang main lagu2 lame-mmg layan aa. Ader artis jemputan. Sheila Majid - Pergh, dier duet dgn Ahmad Dhani, lagu "Aku Cinta kau dan Dia"..plus da whole band, main lagu "Sinaran" and Once duet dgn Sheila MAjid sehh..Da song was improvised into rock version sket, so layan aa. Rabbani - Yep, da kump Nasyid pun ader bai !!! diorang duet dgn Dewa, nyanyi lagu "Laskar Cinta". Other than that, Mulan fr da band Ratu pun ader. She wore this sexy dress, with fishnet long stockings, kinky dowh !! hahahaha....Org ramai la, included da uruk hais hehe. ALa bro, tgk konsert xpayah ler nak mcm berasak2, terkinja2, sampai nak merosakkan harta awam, just rileks dah ler. Ini ader yg mcm jadi riot dah..kesian pakcik Rela/ Security kena dok menenteramkan keadaan...isk isk.
Nie last concert for the year 2007. Tahun depan, ingat nak plan pegi tgk KOnsert kt Singapore ker, Indonesia ker..at the same time, bleh berjalan2 gaks kan.
Mengakhiri 2007 - Kenduri Kawin lagi...

I can't remember ntah berapa byk kenduri kawin yg gua pegi tahun nie..More than 20 wedding receptions, i guess. Uish byk tue. I'm sure next year byk lagi wedding receptions yg kena attend. Tapi xper la, org dah jemput...kiter attend jer la kan.
Cousin's Wedding Reception-Setiawangsa
Attended cousin's wedding reception @Setiawangsa. Nabil nie, anak maklong/paklong yg last skali kawin. All his sisters sumer dah kawin, and he's da only son yg belom kawin lagi la. So akhirnya, dier pun kawin jugaks. Kitorang adik beradik pegi la kenduri yg belah pengantin perempuan. Sbb abah, mama tahun nie pegi haji, so kitorang xpegi la kenduri yg belah Nabil kt JB. Ok la, ramai gaks jumpe sedara mara hari tue...To Nabil serta ISteri, Selamat Pengantin BAru
Aleem n K-Yun Wedding Reception No.3
This was da last reception for Aleem n Kyun la. Diorang ader 3 receptions. Yg nie grand la. Was held @Royal Adelphi Hotel, Seremban. VVIP were, Yg Dipertuan BEsar NS, Undang yg 3 - Tampin, Rembau and Johol, pastue MB NS, Hakim Besar NS pun ader. Ader dua pasang pengantin, sbb kakak Aleem pun bersanding skali. Lawa pelamin dier sehh. Aleem n Kyun pun lawa pakai songket kaler Purple. Since his father is da KSU Kementerian Penerangan, so ader kombo RTM yg main LIve Band-Giler best. Jamal Abdillah and Aisyah were da singers, Ebby Yus jadi MC. Being org NEgeri Sembilan gaks, best kenduri2 camnie, sumer org cakap NS, rase mcm balik Kampung ler plak hehe..ANd Again to Aleem n K-Yun, Selamat Pengantin Baru. Uish byk kali wish kt korang nie hehehe....
Sunday, December 16, 2007
My Chemical Romance Live @Stadium MErdeka !!!

Yep, i went to My Chemical Romance recently. Erm xdapat pegi tgk Tompi and Malique n Da Essential @KL Live n Loud 2007, pun xper la. Kiter tgk band emo/gothic main lagi best. It was held @stadium Merdeka on da 9th Dec 2007. Went there with Min - last time i brought her to Muse concert, nie MCR ler plak. Hafez, wife and his adik ipar were also there. Hehe..funny sbb Hafez xpernah tgk konsert, time dier bujang dulu - selalu la gua ajak dier pegi tgk konsert, xnak ikut ler plak. Nie dah ader bini sumer, baru nak pegi tgk konsert - it's ok bai, bawak bini pegi konsert xper, jgn bwk perempuan lain sudah hehe. Anyway, i came a bit late la, so missed out to watch One Buck Short and Pop Shuvit in action. xper, local band jer - bleh jer tgk biler2 hehe. SHarp @8.30pm - MCR kuar !!! Surprisingly diorang main hebat sehh!! Gua penah la tgk kt dlm MTV some of their awards performance, sayur jer singer dier. Concert nie layan ler plak, suara dier ok, xpecah ler plak. Kudos to the singer (whom i didn't know name dier saper hehe) - lagu2 diorang nie, memanjang jerit jer bai. The band itself pun best, ader one part, da lead guitarist played some guitar solo, siap goreng blues n country lagi tue..pas abis solo guitar, terus masuk lagu Teenager.
Jap, lagu2 yg diorang yg gua tau - Helena, Ghost Of You, Teenagers, Welcome to da Black Parade, I don't Love You and Famous Last Words. Yg lain xtau hehe. xper - yg penting diorang main lagu2 yg gua tau..
It was raining siott malam tue, ingatkan beli tiket murah ader la tempat berteduh. Been to Stadium Merdeka b4, as i remembered dulu, kalau beli tiket ader tempat duduk, ader la shelter fr hujan. Nie lupe la plak, since we're celebrating our 50th independence, they renovated da stadium mcm tahun 1957 bai !!! so tahun 1957, stadium Merdeka mane ader bumbung!!! Abis basah gua!! Nasib baik ler organizer kasi baju hujan plastik tue..Dis was my first time pegi konsert - BASAH hahahaha
It was a good experience la. Sound system pun best, no complaint about da sound system la.
Next saturday, last concert for the year 2007 - Dewa 19 Live @Stadium MErdeka. So see u guys @da stadium k ;-)
p/s - Gua baru dpt info, SANTANA will be performin @Singapore Indoor Stadium on the 18th February 2008. Tahun depan gua mau pegi Singapore tgk konsert SANTANA !!!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Performance @Technip Sports Day 2007 !!!
Tahun 2007 - skali jer dpt perform. Ok la tue. Kenal bandmates baru, sumer bebudak Technip plak tue. Dah ader kaki nie, seronok ler jammin. xder la gua menyangap, dok komplen xdpt jammin hehe. INsyaAllah, kalau ade rezeki, kalau organizer utk annual dinner suruh kitorang main, itu sudah bagus hehe...Anyway mase sports day baru2 nie, we played a few songs la. Serious ly gua cuak sehh, maybe sbb lame dah xperform kot hahaha..Gua yg paling muda dlm band tue. Diorang tue sume dah kawin, n beranak pinak hehe. Da best thing pasal bandmates gua nie, diorang still lagi main music, although dah ader commitment sumer. Maybe because of their passion are music la kan, so diorang pun belasah jer main. We played 2 sets, da first set ader kantoi2 sket hahaha. 2nd set was more smooth la. I used Fender Telecaster n Epiphone tue. Siap pakai Pod XT live plak tue...all those patches/ modelling yg gua download fr da internet were really useful la. Dat processor can make my guitar sound like da famous guitarists such as Slash GnR, Gary Moore, Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix etc. Sebijik sehh guitar tones yg Pod XT live bleh model. MMg puas hati - really worth it beli PoD XT nie fr zahir. Anyway, gua ader ambik gambar sket2..pls find as the above.
p/s: To Razlan, Pet, Fazil, Adik Fazil, Erlina and Amy - It was an honour dpt main band dgn korang !!!! Rock On Guys !!!! Oh, gua ader letak satu video mase kiter jammin kt Afro Zapin !!!
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