It was xmas day, 25th Dec 2009. Kt mesia sumer org cuti Public holiday. Kitorang mcm biasa lah kena kerje heheh.. Since da E&I lead kena check wiring on the EDG Control panel, so i had da oppurtunity to follow him skali. 2 of my friends yg di assigned from Technip pon ikot skali. The MCR-A topside and the GBS (the structure to be planted on the seabed) were located around 1.5km from our site engineering office.
Construction is on going lah. Kitorang naik sampai da upper deck. Near da helideck. Tangga nk naik helideck tuh xsiap lagi, kalau x mmg nk naik. Da view from up there was breath taking !! I can see how big is da Fab yard, jauh sket dah nampak the Onshore Gas Terminal (OGT). OGT pon still under constrcuction lah. Since the FAb yard is by the sea..u can see how big is da caspian sea. Da thing about this caspian sea is, there is no wave at this sea. CAspian sea is actually a very big lake, so sbb tuh xder ombak kt laut nih.
Apart from that, i also noticed that - apart from our population, yg lain sumer nye Padang Pasir !!! I cannot see even one single house pon at the vicinity. Kedai, petrol pump jgn cakap lah..As i said before, 45minutes drive baru sampai 2da nearest pekan lah..
Let me citer sket, my daily life kt sni. Gua ditempatkan kt TCF; Temporary Camp Facilities lah. Tempat nih camp kitorang. Project nih ader Fabrication Yard, TCF, Onshore Gas Terminal. Site office gua kt Fab Yard, so pagi2 kena lah pi office-transport disediakan. Kt area fab yard tuh, diorang tgh construct gas platform MCR-A. Electrical wise-gua kena take care Technip punye deliverables..
Anyways, keje sni 6days a week. Ahad jer cuti. Lantak la ader public holidays ker idak,kitorang kerje gaks. Kitorang dapat cuti time National Day jer kot.
Kt TCF-gua dapat duduk dlm kabin. Kabin gua nih ade 2 katil, tp buat mase nih, gua sorang jer duduk. Ade bilik air, siap dgn heater, aircond yg bleh jadi heater gaks during winter. Ader portable heater.Ade study table, cupboard sumer. Tv ade, tp 4da time being - gua tgk jer tv nih. Dgr kate nyer, nk pasang Astro Russia kt sni, so dat kitorang bleh tgk tv.
Loundry - ini yg best. Dlm bilik ade bakul, letak jer dlm bakul, pagi2 nanti ade org amek - petang siap basuh, gosok hantar kt dlm bilik. Bilik pon hari2 ade cleaner kemas, so xyah kemas katil pagi2.
Makan?? Itu jgn dirisaukan. Makn 4 times a day. Kt dewan makn - sni makan sume nyer free. Malaysian food of course!!! Ade daging, ayam, sayur or whatnot. In entry yg akan dtg gua akan amek la gmbr ape benda yg gua mkn kt sni.
Sni ade Recreational Room. This da only place kitorang nk bersosial mlm2 lah. Sni ade meja pool n snooker. Meja ping pong ader. Bilik karaoke pon. KAraoke dier best bai !!! Bleh challenge sama itu redbox lah !!! Ader beribu2 lagu..siap ade songlist lagi. Yg best karaoke sni free hehe. Utk kemudahan nk call Malaysia, kt recreational room disediakan 2 telefon. Telefon no2 di Malaysia - FOC; Free of Charge. Tp mcm biasa lah kena Q lah kan. Terasa mcm zaman duduk kt boarding school dulu jer hehe...
Weather at Kiyanly - skang sudah winter. Malam lebey panjang frm siang.Pegi kerje 8am, mcm malam gelap nyer..(9pg baru terang). Petang balik from kerje, 6pm dah start gelap dah. Sbb Fabrication Yard nih by da sea - so angin laut tuh yg xtahan. Sejuk woo..dlm office sume ade heater. Kalau isap rokok pagi2 kt luar site office tuh, mmg menggigil lah..
Yep, lame gile gua xupdate blog nih. Since gua start kawen hari tuh kot. Lps kawen ade la gua update pasal benda2 gua buat lepas kawen. Pastuh tarak hehe. 6bulan senyap. Biasa lah dah lepas kawen, ade bini – so kehidupan berkeluarga lah pulaks..
Tp gua rase, gua nk start tulis balik blog. Sbb aper bai?? Sbb gua kt Turkemenistan skang nih hehehe. Company gua hantar job assignment kt Turkmenistan. To be specific, kt Kiyanly Camp, Turkmenistan.
Sejarah nye mcm nih. I was supposed to go to Turkmenistan on 1st Nov 2009. Diorang kasi gua pegi sane, sbb soh tgk site work for MCR-A gas platform. This project is a JV between Technip n MMHE, while the CLIENT is Petronas Carigali lah. Skali hari tuh departure gua diorang postpone. Alih2 last minit kena pegi gaks, on the 13th Dec 09. So bermula lah perjalanan gua ke Negara Turkmenistan nih.
I’m sure korang xtau kt mane Negara nih. Cube tgk kt dlm map. Turkmenistan is located between Afghanistan n Iran. The Caspian sea, yg menjadi dispute between Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan – has the largest gas reserve in the world!! So mmg byk lah prject2 oil n gas kt area sni. Turkmenistan gained its independence in 1991, previously was under USSR’s administration. After da independence, this country became a republic country, governed by a President.
Ok, so flight gua was on Sunday, 13th Dec 09. Da thing is, there is no direct flight to Turkmenistan. Da cheapest route is KL –Bangkok-Ashgabat-Turkmenbashy. From KL to Bangkok diorang kasi gua naik Thai Airways. At Bangkok airport, kitorang tukar kapal terbang naik Turkmenistan Airlines. Kl-Bangkok just 2hours jer. Bangkok to Ashgabat 7 hours flight. Flight naik Turkmenistan Airlines, gua rase naik Air Asia lagi baik lah..There was no in flight entertainment, makan pon xsedap. Mcm itu lah – xleh nk komplen sangat2 lah kan.
Arrived in Ashgabad-we were told on the closed door policy of this country. Foreigners cannot be seen after 11pm, cannot be seen taking pictures publicly, cannot be seen smoking publicly. Da officials pandang kitorang slack semacam jer. We rested at MMHE rest house sumwhere in Ashgabat. Weather – it’s winter kt sni. Kire first time lah gua pegi Negara 4musim. Sejuk gaks mlm2 kt Bandar Ashgabat nih.
Da next day, kitorang kena bukak acc bank kt Ashgabat. Ashgabat nih kirer capital city of Turkmenistan. Since xleh amek gmbar,xder lah bleh gua tunjuk gambar city tuh kt korang. Let me describe buildings in Ashgabat – mcm Putrajaya lah lebih kurang. Residential/ housing areas diorang still mcm zaman soviet dulu lah. Byk rumah flats jer. Dgr citer nyer, xbyk berubah sejak end of communism. Bil api, air sumer nyer free kerajaan byr. Kitorang kena bukak bank, sbb senang ler KL nk masukkan allowance kitorang tetiap bulan.
Mlm tuh jugaks kitorang kena fly pegi Turkmenbashy. This is da nearest city to the site (i.e. Kiyanly camp). 1-hour flight to Turkmenbashy frm Ashgabat. Da thing was mlm tuh flight delay kt Ashgabat airport. Kt sni, kalau presiden dier ade nk turun kt airport – Airport kena tutup, jalan nk pegi airport kena tutup. So flights sumer kena delay lah. Gua pulak kena tahan kt airport, sbb diorang issue tics kurang tepat dgn name gua. Oh kena bagitau korang nih-sni mmg ade masalah komunikasi, diorang hanye tau ckp Russia jer, English hampeh betul. Bile dah kena tahan tuh, mmg xtau nk buat aper lah, Nasib baik dapt call Logistic Coordinator (local)-bg dier cakap dgn org kastam tuh. Xbleh gaks lepas. Alih2 gua dapat advise from logistic coordinator via phone, soh kasi jer duit kopi USD20. Once kasi, terus lepas !!! Itu lah lumrah alam kt Negara nih..
Since flight delayed, kitorang sampai Turkmenbashy 2am in da morning. Dgn angin sejuk nyer, mmg menggigil abes lah !!! Airport turkmenbashy, xleh challenge LCCT, even lagi teruk dariAirport kerteh. Beg sume akan diangkat gune lori. Di tengah2 mlm tuh kena lah kitorang kena angkat beg. Fm Turkmenbashy ke Kiyanly campplaks – 45minutes drive pulaks. It was a bumpy ride lah. Giler jalan sane hampeh, dah la jauh plaks tuh….
Next time plaks gua cite pasal kehidupan gua kt camp. Itu baru perjalanan nk ke Kiyanly camphehehe…
Let me see, gua pegi PD dgn my wife, n seluruh keluarga nye. Gua attend kenduri kawen faisal @Sg Besar, then pegi jalan2 kt Bukit Melawati. Oh yer, thanks soo much to Asyrul Ridzwan, we got da chance to watch Konsert Anuar Zain @Istana Budaya, for FREE !!!
Next week mau pegi KK jalan2 bawak bini daa...Yeehooo !!!! =)
After having a 3days hectic weekend, kitorang bersiap2 pegi honeymoon lah. On monday, kitorang kemas umah masing2 lah. Pagi tuh kemas umah kepong, then laters kemas umah kajang pulaks. On tuesday-terus pegi Honeymoon !!!! I had everythin well planned lah. Selalunye pengantin pompuan yg plan sume2 nih, dis time around pengantin lelaki pulaks lah yg arrange sumer. Got a good honeymoon package during Matta fair in March hari tuh. Anyways-kitorang menginap 2nights at Aston Bhavana Villa, one night kt Aston Inn tuban lah. Aston Bhavana villa was really marvelous, sbb duduk private villa, with private swimming pool. Bedroom pon mengadap swimming pool best lah hehe. Kitorang berjalan2 kt Uluwatu temple, kuta beach, had dinner at Hard Rock Cafe, tgk live band kt Hard Rock Cafe, seafood dinner n watchin sunset at Jimbaran etc. MMg puas hati dapat berhoneymoon, after penat settlekan majlis kawen sumer kan... =)