Date: 23/09/2008
Venue: KFC jalan Ipoh & KLPAC
Attendees: Amy, Elly, Lokman, Audi, Apiz n me
We had berbuka puasa session @KFC jalan ipoh on Tuesday. After dat, we went 2watch theater called "Broadway Parodies lah lagi" @KLPAC. It was a fun lah. A musical theater, all da songs were taken from broadway musicals, eg. Chicago, Sound of Music etc..Da twist was, da subjects were all about Malaysian lah. How we all crave for foods, current political situations, how lembap da gomen agencies are more into hillarious type of musical lah. Lyrics were all changed based on the hillarious subjects.
Oh yer, thanks to Apiz, for belanje us KFC for berbuka puasa !!! =)