Went to singapore on sunday. Yesterday ader Equipment Testing/ Inspection kt sane. Sudah lebih 10tahun xpegi Singapore. Last time pegi pun mase primary school, dgn abah n mama sumer. I remember, ader sedara dkt woodlands, so ziarah dier aa. Mane la pegi city center Singapore nih. Dis time around, ader chance la nak berjalan kan. Kirer mcm first official trip to Singapore la. Time bebudak tuh xkira la kan..
Lepak kt Hotel Peninsula Excelsior. Dkt giler dgn Peninsula Plaza. Saper yg minat gitar, mmg akan pegi Peninsula Plaza, sbb byk kedai gitar/ amps/ drums or whatnot. Da best thing pasal kedai2 musical instrument kt Singapore nih, sbb byk choices of brands, kedai pun byk..Brand2 pelik pun ader jual, Gitar2 mahal mcm PRS pun ader jual kt sni. So gua pusing2 la usha2 gitar..best giler hehe. Price pun murah woo. Lagi murah from KL, after convert duit RM la. Nanti ader budget, pegi beli gitar kt sane jer la hehe.
Prabin, member mase kt KMYS, mmg kerje kt Singapore. So gua call dier suruh bawak gua jalan2 lah. Lagipun mmg lame xjumpe mamat nih. So Sunday nite - Prabin bawak gua pegi Orchard Road, and Clarke Quay. Orchard Road byk giler shopping malls yg besar2 la. Clarke Quay plak tepi sungai, byk giler restoran2, pubs, clubs or whatnot la. Oh dah jumpe dah Pub The Crawl Elephant tuh, itu mmg blues/ rock pub la. Nanti biler tgk Santana Concert dis Feb..bleh lepak2 situ...
No need to story about inspection lah, my engineering job surely make u guys boring punyer lah..hehe
To Prabin, Thanks a lot for bwk gua jalan2...
Mcm mane nih!!!! Gua check kt SISTIC punyer website, byk giler konsert kt Singapore fr Jan. Till March 2008 sehh !!!! The Police, Santana, Incubus, Maroon 5...Adus....Adus....