Kite tutup buku dgn blogspot lah yer =)
It's a Long Way To The TOP !!!!
Life of a person named AdzriL AdnaN... =)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Movin out to tumblr...I mean da blog..
I'm creatin a new blog..Bukan ape just wanna use tumblr plaks aa...Bukan ape, senang nk blog mobile hehe...da new blog address is gonna be
Monday, September 27, 2010
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 2010 !!
i think it's not too late 2wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, maaf zahir batin from me and wifey.
It was a memorable Hari raya for us. We managed to move into our newly renovated hse 2weeks b4 hari raya. It was really tiring, mengemas rumah, waitin 4 furnitures to arrive, menyusun sane sni, n menghabiskan duit utk rumah. All in all, it was worth it !! Finally we are livin in our own hse. Nk tunggang terbalik pn,rumah sendiri kan. Da feeling of havin ur own hse is different, groceries shopping, maintaining da hse, kemas rumah, helpin wifey wit cooking n hse chores - a newly experience to me lah. Pegi jauh2 pn, rase nk balik jer rumah cepat2 hehe...
Oh, da night before hari raya - we even mengemas rumah utk hari raya. Dis time around, it's turn berhari raya di Kuala Lumpur. 1st hari raya di rumah mama, then kitorang balik kg kt Rembau. Pastuh beraya batu pahat n johor bharu.
We also invited our uncles n aunties datang beraya di rumah. Penat woo org dtg umah, nk masak sumer. Now we know mcm mane mak2 kite sebok memasak/ melayan org kalau org datang beraya.
2more weeks before syawal ends. Penoh xtvt open hse nih. Mane yg larat jer lah pegi hehe. Plus summore jamm woo jalan2 kt KL nih kalau time raye nih.
Anyways - i'm postin hari raya pic of us suami isteri on da 1st hari raye. Theme kaler tahun nih is pink purple =)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Movin in Tmn Batu Permai, 51200 Kuala Lumpur !!

Alhamdulillah..We managed to move in our newly renovated house last sat (i.e. 21st August 2010). Penat aa berpindah time buka puasa nih hehehe. Lepas berbuka kitorang akan start mengemas rumah sumer sampai lah ke tgh mlm. As for furnitures sumer dah sampai except for kitchen cabinet is yet to be installed lah. Oh yer ASTRO pn diorang xdtg pasang lagi...isk isk tensen2..
Anyways - isu perpindahan rumah xkan selesai sampai hari raye kot. We're still slow mengemas2 rumah. Yg penting kitorang dah pindah. Ade rumah sendiri, no more nomadic journey every week. Our house pon dkt dgn KL. soo senang nk pegi kerje n jalan2 KL sumer..
Oh yer i wanna post some of rumah pics lah. But these pics are taken during construction lah prior to movin into da house. Note-gambar rumah yg siap xder lah..Nanti tunggu raye lah hehehe...
alhamdulillah - dapat ader rumah sendiri =)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
It's been 2months...
Dah 2bulan gua balik from Trkmenistan Back to KL, back to office work lah. 2b honest, after all da experience in Turkmenistan kan, i wud prefer kerje kt office. Workin at site was a very good eye-openin experience. Kite bleh tgk how drawings are implemented. How construction phase at site. How things work at site. Jgn cerita lah pasal arguments, bergado, sub con bebal or whatnot - itu part of kerje kt site lah hehehe..I rather not elaborate pasal all those things lah. Mmg ade benda2 yg xpuas hati, but i take it da positive things jer lah.
So back in KL..It's good to be back wit my loved one, i.e. my wife lah. Byk gaks benda yg kitorang buat together since balik. We went to see Ella Live in Istana Budaya KL. That was my 1st concert setelah 6months xtgk konsert !! Da concert was a blast lah. Dah lame xtgk konsert Rockestra, i.e. Rock band with orchestra lah..Yg best tgk konsert kt Istana Budaya, xperlu berdiri, berpeloh2 or whatnot. Ella stil is da rock diva lah. She sang byk lagu2 lame ..mcm Dua insan bercinta, nuri, permata biru etc lah. It was a memorable concert lah...
Oh yer we also went to PD for our Electrical dept trip. Kt Avillion Admiral Cove lah...Dah dapat percutian free hehehe....
As for other things - RENOVATION RUMAH. Alhamdulillah da renovation is now completed. Took 2months to complete da renovation lah. Byk duit abes, but oh well - for da sake of dapat rumah complete with accessories lah...We plan to move in dis weekend lah. But kitchen cabinets next week sampai. As for others mcm sofa dis saturday bleh sampai lah..
Excited nk masuk rumah baru nih. N tahun nih my turn utk beraya KL, so i can get da chance 2spend 1st day hari raya at my new house.
Buka puasa session..Esok RAMA V @Jln U-Thant, Next Thursday - Istana Bambu MRR2, last week of puasa - Shangri la @jln Sultan Ismail hehehe ;-)
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan and Selamat Berbuka puasa kengkawan =)
So back in KL..It's good to be back wit my loved one, i.e. my wife lah. Byk gaks benda yg kitorang buat together since balik. We went to see Ella Live in Istana Budaya KL. That was my 1st concert setelah 6months xtgk konsert !! Da concert was a blast lah. Dah lame xtgk konsert Rockestra, i.e. Rock band with orchestra lah..Yg best tgk konsert kt Istana Budaya, xperlu berdiri, berpeloh2 or whatnot. Ella stil is da rock diva lah. She sang byk lagu2 lame ..mcm Dua insan bercinta, nuri, permata biru etc lah. It was a memorable concert lah...
Oh yer we also went to PD for our Electrical dept trip. Kt Avillion Admiral Cove lah...Dah dapat percutian free hehehe....
As for other things - RENOVATION RUMAH. Alhamdulillah da renovation is now completed. Took 2months to complete da renovation lah. Byk duit abes, but oh well - for da sake of dapat rumah complete with accessories lah...We plan to move in dis weekend lah. But kitchen cabinets next week sampai. As for others mcm sofa dis saturday bleh sampai lah..
Excited nk masuk rumah baru nih. N tahun nih my turn utk beraya KL, so i can get da chance 2spend 1st day hari raya at my new house.
Buka puasa session..Esok RAMA V @Jln U-Thant, Next Thursday - Istana Bambu MRR2, last week of puasa - Shangri la @jln Sultan Ismail hehehe ;-)
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan and Selamat Berbuka puasa kengkawan =)
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Spring in Turkmenistan....

It's Spring time in Turkmenistan !! It's not as cold as winter sni kan, spring pon sejuk bai !! Caspian sea nih mmg angin kuat lah, itu sebb sejuk kot. Kt camp org dah start ramai, geng2 operations dah start datang. Time mkn dah kena beratur panjang, telepon pon same gaks ah, kena beratur ...nk wat mcm mane, layan jer lah.
MAtahari pon dah terik, so kena pakai spek itam lah. sni dah start berdebu lah. Yg hangin sket time spring, lalat dah start bermaharajalela. Time winter hari tuh sejuk, tuh yg diorang xder lah...
Gua dah dapat work permit, standard for 6months lah. So xpayah lah gua pegi berulang Iran every month. Duduk jer lah kt Kiyanly nih..
Hari tuh, 28-03-2010 birthday isteri sayang, xdapat celebrate together sbb gua kt sni kan. Tu lah, nk wat mcm mane - kerje berjauhan. Anyways sayang - Papa would like to wish u happy belated birthday lah yer. Love u soo much lah..
Mcm biasa, ade gmbar2 camwhoring sket time spring nih hehehe....
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